The 3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse will help you learn the physical and mental skills required to enjoy riding to the fullest as well as challenge you to be the best you can be as a lifelong learner.
If you are a returning rider who has not ridden for some time, welcome back. This course will help you renew skills that can improve your safety and risk management and make riding more fun.
If you are an experienced rider here to earn your endorsement, you will fine-tune your skills and learn new strategies for the road. Challenge yourself to master the basics. Be a good example for new riders.
This is a basic course, so it only provides the basics. The classroom activities introduce the mental and perceptual processes needed to be a good rider and show you how to process information and make safe decisions. The riding sessions have you practice basic control that includes clutch and throttle coordination, straight-line riding, stopping, turning, and shifting. Also included are quicker stops, curves, and swerves. It is important not only to be healthy, but to have enough fitness, strength, and coordination to learn well and manage the physical demands of riding a three-wheel motorcycle (3WMC).
Your RiderCoaches are here to instruct and guide you. Ask a lot of questions and let them know how to help you. You will have your questions answered and your progress observed. In the classroom, there will be discussions supported by a variety of activities. On the range, the off-street riding area, you will work on skills to help you handle common riding tasks.
Course Requirements
- Complete all course assignments
- Attend all sessions
- Pass a knowledge test
- Pass an on-3WMC skill test that consists of exercises from the course.
We do not provide the training vehicle. You must use your own 3-Wheel motorcycle.
Course Fee $395.00, not eligible for any of Harley-Davidson’s Riding Academy promotions. Full payment required at registration.
Required Riding Gear:
- Properly fitting DOT helmet
- Full fingered gloves
- Eye protection
- Sturdy over the ankle boots
- Long sleeved shirt or jacket
- Long pants
For more information contact Avi at 240-528-2015 or